Hyperthyroidism is a difficult issue to begin with. It causes fatigue, shakiness, rapid and unwanted weight loss, palpitations and a host of other minor, but annoying problems. If you have any symptoms of an overactive condition or other concerns about fertility and hyperthyroidism you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
The thyroid controls your metabolism. Most people associate that with weight control, but the metabolism is a major control system for the entire body. If you have thyroid disease it may be causing you a lot more problems than you know. It could even affect your ability to have children.
One of the more common symptoms of hyperthyroidism is a disruption in female menstrual cycles. That is an obvious and easy to recognise symptom, and it is one of the ways that the disease can create difficulties for women in getting pregnant. There is a less obvious and harder to determine problem that this type of thyroid disease causes, however. It may actually stop ovulation, either sporadically or completely.
How to Check Ovulation if You Have a Thyroid Condition
Women of childbearing age, especially those who want to become pregnant should test for ovulation regularly. Even if your menstrual cycle is not disrupted, you still may not be ovulating. There are simple tests that you can use to check for the hormones that are present during ovulation. These can be found at any store where other types of pregnancy kits are carried.
Ovulation tests operate in much the same way as a pregnancy test. If the at home test shows that ovulation is not present you should check with your physician for further testing and help. If you are already being treated for your thyroid condition the medications may need to be adjusted. The best way to treat the infertility issues caused by hyperthyroidism is to get the disease under control so your metabolism works properly. In some cases additional help may also be required to restart ovulation.
The Good News
Getting your thyroid disease under control will usually reverse the fertility issues automatically. In many cases just taking your medicine to stabilise your thyroid puts your system back into sync and everything flows normally. However, if you are actively trying to become pregnant and it takes longer than six months after your hormone levels are re-established, you should consult your physician.
Hyperthyroidism Fertility Issues are Not for Women Only
Male fertility can be affected by a thyroid condition as well. The symptoms of the disruption in metabolism causes erectile dysfunction, delayed or premature ejaculation and low sex drive. Getting on a proper treatment schedule for the disease should reverse the effects on fertility and there have been no reports of the disease causing issues with sperm mobility or viability. If problems with sexual functions persist after treatment for hyperthyroidism make sure to talk to your physician to get it under control.
If you have questions or concerns about thyroid problems see your local doctor who will arrange for you to see a thyroid surgeon.