Many people find themselves gaining weight or feeling like they are tired all the time, and they believe that they have some sort of an underlying metabolic issue. To understand what causes these issues and whether or not you should be considering visiting a physician for the problem, here is the basic information about your metabolism and some of the conditions that can affect it.
What You Probably Don’t Want to Hear
Many people who believe that they have an issue with their metabolism may actually be suffering from conditions that are more related to their lifestyles than anything medical. For example, if you happen to be eating too much, that can end up making you feel very lethargic and, of course, it can contribute to considerable weight gain over time.
Conversely, if you are not getting enough calories, that can also affect your overall energy levels. If you happen to be waking up late and skipping breakfast in the mornings, for instance, it is entirely predictable that you are not going to have the same level of energy as somebody who got a full night of sleep and ate a healthy breakfast before starting the day. Quite simply, your body is not rested up and you do not have enough calories to burn to keep yourself going.
If you have a sedentary lifestyle, that can also make you feel rundown and tired. Just as getting regular exercise makes you feel energetic and alive, not getting enough exercise makes you feel exhausted and like you have no energy at all. It is counterintuitive in some regards, but if you burn energy, you generally have more energy.
Your physician will likely ask you about these lifestyle factors before they start looking for a medical condition. Before you dismiss your own feelings, however, remember that it is always a good idea to get any of these symptoms checked out and that the lifestyle items mentioned above can all result in serious medical conditions down the line, and they need to be addressed. Eat well, get enough rest for your body to rejuvenate itself and make sure you have a healthy regimen of exercise and you may find that you feel better all around.
Some Medical Problems
There are many different medical conditions that can lead to problems with your metabolism and the symptoms may be very similar to those mentioned above. You may feel like you cannot generate any energy, you may feel like you are depressed and mentally foggy and you may have some of the symptoms of an inactive lifestyle, such as cramps, muscle aches, joint stiffness and so forth.
If your metabolism is not functioning properly, it means that your body is not getting the energy out of the food that you consume and that it simply cannot operate at a normal level of activity.
One of the common causes of metabolic issues is hypothyroidism. Your thyroid gland is the gland most responsible for regulating your metabolism and, if it is not functioning as well as it should, you can have low levels of thyroid hormone, which lead to the symptoms above and many others.
Hypothyroidism is a treatable condition and, though it may take a while to diagnose, the treatments are generally very effective. They usually consist of taking a medication that augments the level of thyroid hormone in your body.
While you may be out of shape, not particularly prone to moving around and have other symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle, do not let those things prevent you from visiting a physician if you believe you do have some issue with your metabolism. Aside from the fact that it could get worse, it is very likely that a physician can help you make it better.
If you have questions or concerns about weight gain and lethargy due to a slow metabolism, make an appointment to see your local doctor.