What is a Thyroidectomy Procedure Recommended For?
Thyroidectomy surgery is designed to treat thyroid problems such as thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, and noncancerous goitres (enlargements of the thyroid). The extent of the procedure will depend on the specific condition that is being treated. ENT surgeons work to ensure the lowest risk possible while also making certain that the source of the thyroid disorder is removed.
Thyroid cancer can be treated using a variety of methods including radioactive iodine therapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy using drugs that attack cancerous cells, or chemotherapy. However, thyroidectomy is the most common form of treatment when it comes to thyroid cancer. This type of surgery may involve removal of the entire thyroid, removal of specific lymph nodes, or other types of extractions from the thyroid glands.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces an excess amount of thyroid hormone. When too much of this hormone is produced, symptoms such as weight loss, sweating, heart palpitations, increased heart rate, frequent bowel movements, insomnia, irritability, and more can occur. In some cases, medications may be used to treat the disorder. A thyroidectomy may be necessary to alleviate the problem for good. This type of surgery is often recommended for patients who experience obstructed breathing, drinking or eating; who have one more enlarged nodules; do not find relief using medications; pregnant patients; or patients who require immediate relief from symptoms.
People with goitres may find that the problem can be resolved with a diet that includes an appropriate amount of iodine. However, if the goitre has become quite large, a thyroidectomy is usually the most effective form of treatment. If there is any concern that the goitre is cancerous, then surgery becomes even more necessary.
You can learn about thyroidectomy complications from an ENT specialist in Sydney. If you require this type of surgery, it is important to follow your doctor’s thyroidectomy recovery plan for the best results.