When Is Thyroid Surgery Necessary?
Thyroid surgery is a possible treatment for individuals who suffer from thyroid conditions such as hyperthyroidism or thyroid cancer. Doctors will usually attempt to treat a thyroid condition using medication first. If nonsurgical methods do not work to alleviate or manage symptoms effectively, thyroid surgery is often the next line of procedure. Through this type of surgery, doctors are able to eliminate the problem for good since the operation actually removes the source of the problem—the thyroid gland.
In the case of thyroid cancer, medications are not an option and thyroid surgery is usually carried out right away. This prevents the cancer from spreading to other areas of the body.
Individuals with hyperthyroidism often undergo this form of treatment as well. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces an excess amount of hormones. This can be caused by certain medications, autoimmune disorders, or infection.
The nature of the operation will depend on the specific condition that is being treated. For instance, in the case of throat cancer, the surgeon will remove part or all of the thyroid gland to ensure that the cancer does not spread. In general, how much of the gland is affected will determine the extent of the operation.
In most cases, individuals undergoing thyroid removal surgery do not need to stay overnight at the hospital. Most patients arrive at the hospital in the morning and are allowed to leave on the same day. Thyroid surgery recovery is typically quick. Just after your operation, you will most likely feel drowsy for the first few hours. While at the hospital after your operation, you will given IV fluids and ensured that you in good condition before you are allowed to go home. It is important to follow up surgery with a visit to your doctor one week after the procedure along with an additional visit a few weeks after that to make certain that you are healing properly.
If you have questions or concerns about thyroid problems or thyroid removal surgery see your local doctor who will arrange for you to see a thyroid surgeon.